Notices and disclosures

Notice to employers

It may be a violation of state law to discriminate against a job applicant because of an arrest or conviction record. Generally speaking, an employer may refuse to hire an applicant on the basis of a conviction only if the circumstances of the conviction substantially relate to the particular job. For more information, see Wisconsin Statute 111.335 and the Department of Workforce Development's publication, Arrest and Conviction Records under the Law.


The official recordkeepers for the circuit courts are the clerk of circuit court, the register in probate, and the juvenile court clerk in each county. The information contained on the WCCA website has been entered by the official recordkeepers in each county. Information technology staff cannot modify the court data on the WCCA website. If you believe data displayed on this website is incorrect, instructions on how to request an error correction are available. You may also contact the circuit court where the case is filed.

Publication of court information on other websites

WCCA is not responsible for court case information that is published on other websites. Any business or website offering to remove court case information for payment is not connected to WCCA or to any circuit court. Wisconsin circuit courts do not accept payment to remove court case information from the website. Payment to another organization will not cause court case information to be removed from the WCCA website.

Court terms

The Wisconsin News Reporters Handbook (chapter 6), has a good glossary of terms commonly used in Wisconsin courts. An explanation of some of the abbreviations found on the WCCA website is available under the frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Certification of Qualification of Employment

Date of ApplicationCQE IssuedRevoked