RSS feeds

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) delivers web content directly to a user in a timely manner without the user having to repeatedly visit the website from which the content originates.

How does RSS work?

Information is delivered to subscribers via an RSS reader. Many free desktop readers are available for download from the internet. In addition, most web browsers and websites like Google and Yahoo have built-in readers.

How do I subscribe to an RSS feed?

Each RSS feed reader is a little different. To subscribe to an RSS feed try one of the following:

  • Follow the instructions of your RSS feed reader.
  • Follow a link for a feed and follow the instructions provided by your reader.
  • Copy the URL/shortcut of one of the feed pages and paste the URL into your reader.

How often will I receive updated content?

How frequently items appear in an RSS reader depends on how often the RSS feed to which you have subscribed is checked for new content by your reader.

What information on this site is available as an RSS feed?

Data brought back using the case search, public domain citation search and citation of official publishers search features is all available as an RSS feed. Simply look for the feed icon.